Drop off- 7:45 am - 7:59 am. Dismissal- 4:00 pm - 4:15 pm. (Friday Dismissal-12:30 pm.)
Check the website, Facebook, Remind, and email often for updates!
Please make sure the school has your most up to date contact information.
Taking Waitlist applications for 1st-7th grade!
4.5 School Day Weeks - Small Classroom Ratios - Highly Qualified Teachers - Rigorous Curriculum - Child Centered Instruction - Community Building -Indoor & Outdoor Learning - So Much More!
We can accept students from the following districts:
CCISD, Flour Bluff ISD, London ISD, West Oso ISD, Gregory Portland ISD, Aransas Pass ISD
Corpus Christi Montessori School
Is Seeking Demolition Proposals For
June 1st 2023-August 1st 2023
CC-Montessori is seeking to demolish and haul away the chapel building on our property. Demolition and haul time frame is June 1st 2023 through August 1st 2023. Proposals should in clude cost of demolition, haul away, permit, license, or legal fees and what responsibilities CC-Montessori must uphold for the project to take place. Please set up a time to view the building to build proposals by calling the front desk at 361-852-0707 or emailing terri@cc-montessori.org. Proposals will be taken until December 14th 2022.