Drop off- 7:50 am - 7:59 am. Dismissal- 4:00 pm - 4:15 pm. (Friday Dismissal-12:30 pm.)
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Taking Waitlist applications for 1st-7th grade!
4.5 School Day Weeks - Small Classroom Ratios - Highly Qualified Teachers - Rigorous Curriculum - Child Centered Instruction - Community Building -Indoor & Outdoor Learning - So Much More!
We can accept students from the following districts:
CCISD, Flour Bluff ISD, London ISD, West Oso ISD, Gregory Portland ISD, Aransas Pass ISD
"To care for, and keep awake the guide within every child is a matter of first importance. -Dr. Maria Montessori
Elementary Curriculum (6-12 years)
Children ready for the elementary classroom turn outward to the world around them, ready for new horizons of research and discovery. They are full of questions and are ready to be inspired by stories, lessons and materials to discover answers to their questions through reason and imagination. Their questions drive the work of the classroom, with each encounter developing new skills and raising new questions.
Working with partners and teams, the children share struggles and successes and learn to support, respect and depend upon one another. Together, they are capable of complex tasks. Much of the work of the elementary class is accomplished through large projects, which require cooperation and planning, and facilitate the integration of different subjects, as well as the development of deeper understanding.
At this stage of development, children's goals are to further develop skills, to gain confidence, to confirm their own value, and to recognize the value of others. As maturity of spirit and mind develop, we see these children progress ready to contribute their share to the world around them.
Core Curriculum
The core curriculum provides instruction in all traditional subjects including mathematics, physical and life science, geography, history, geometry, language arts, writing and literature. In addition, all elementary students will be exposed to Spanish, music, art and physical education.
Middle School-Erdkinder (13-14 years)
The traditional junior high school years are most noted for their need of autonomy in exploration and expression. Due to the curricular design of independent research, Montessori junior high classrooms are known to not appear to have many materials initially. Students are expected to conduct research as a vital and ongoing component to complement their curricular studies.
Visiting the library, as well as surface (common search engines like Google) and invisible (subscription database like Lexas Nexus) Web research will be commonplace in our Montessori classrooms.
Creative and dramatic expressions are also large components of the Erdkinder classrooms. Students will be encouraged to create various forms of creative expression. Community partners will assist in the development and public display of such expressions.
Core Curriculum
The core program will promote academic excellence, critical-thinking skills and support the development of each student's unique potential. Instruction in all traditional subjects will be provided including Cultural Studies, English, Math, Science, Study Skills, and Spanish.
"The absorbent mind is indeed a marvelous gift to humanity! By merely 'living' and without and conscious effort the individual absorbs from the environment even a complex cultural achievement like language. If this essential mental form existed in the adult, how much easier would our studies be!" -Dr. Maria Montessori
Dual language
The conviction that learning more than one language is important for every child guides CCMS commitment to a dual-language program. Language is not only a means to communicate and an instrument for thinking; it is also an important tool for understanding and appreciating the thoughts of others in our increasingly multicultural world. Knowing two languages is a marketable skill, thus expanding the child's later opportunities for constructive engagement with society.
There are educational, cognitive, linguistic, socio-cultural and economic benefits to individual as well as society at large that result from intensive study of a second language. CCMS dual-language programs have been designed to create the environment and opportunity for all students to enjoy the experience of a second language. We offer the following two classroom options:
Spanish Enrichment Montessori
(1st-6th grades)
In our traditional Montessori track, students will experience Montessori curriculum in addition to Spanish enrichment classes three days a week. A bilingual Montessori teacher and assistant will facilitate this classroom setting. A fully bilingual teacher/assistant will provide instruction in Spanish as a second language based on the communicative approach of language instruction. Students will learn songs in Spanish, engage in dialogues with one another and be given the opportunity to use the second language in purposefully, meaningful communicative activities which promote language development. We believe that learning more than one language is just as normal as learning only one, and that learning a second language in school teaches children additional language skills and advanced cognitive abilities.
Dual Immersion Montessori
(1st-3rd grades)
The Dual Immersion track has been designed to create the environment for monolingual English-speaking children to learn Spanish, for monolingual Spanish-speakers to learn English, and for children bilingual in both to enhance their dual-language skills. To achieve this end, the dual immersion track will consist of two dual immersion classrooms, which will function as one via a team teaching approach. One classroom will be facilitated by a Spanish-only speaking Montessori teacher and assistant and the other class will be facilitated by an English-only speaking Montessori teacher and assistant. Throughout the day the children will rotate through each classroom for 50% of the day whereby receiving instruction in both Spanish and English.
This 50/50 dual immersion method of daily exposure to and participation in both languages is an effective educational program option, which is supported by research and evaluation studies concerning effective schools and instruction in the U.S. and many countries around the world.
Spanish and English instruction are always kept separate, allowing for maximum concentration of both languages. Heterogeneous groupings during the Spanish and English portions of the day provide students with opportunities to assist and learn from one another, allowing second language acquisition to occur naturally. The social interaction between students is a delight that unfolds. They truly learn from one another, developing high levels of confidence and self-esteem through their study of two languages.
Articles and links to information or materials you may find helpful to your montessori lifestyle.
Family Support Materials and More.
Montessori explanations
Information and articles about Montessori.
Resources for Two-Way Immersion and Dual Language Practitioners
"Our world is becoming a single global community, a community where technology, commerce and immigration have facilitated our exposure to other cultures and languages. Thus, our challenge is to equip future generations with the competencies necessary for multilingual workforce demands."
The Washington Post celebrated 100 years of Montessori by not only highlighting its tenets, but explaining how it benefits ALL children. It does correctly warn, however, that “Some schools with the Montessori name don’t have many, or any, Montessori-trained teachers. “Anyone can open a school and call it a Montessori school. There is no trademark on the name,” Dorer said. “It’s a real problem.”
This amazingly thorough paper outlines not only Maria Montessori’s history, but also her principles and how they relate to the classroom. Author Angeline Lilliard’s research and writings about the Montessori classroom and its outcomes are often cited for their scientific approach to proving evidence that the Montessori Method is effective.
This famous Wall Street Journal article extols the virtues of the Montessori Method and how it teaches and enables the creativity and free thinking that has produced well-known entrepreneurs like the founders of Amazon, Google, and Wikipedia.
What Children Study: What Children Do
Early Childhood Bilingualism in the
Montessori Children’s House
PDF Brochure on the benefits of being multi-lingual.